How to Choose the Best Scalp Micropigmentation Artist

Opting for scalp micropigmentation, or SMP as it’s also known is a decision that’s life-changing. This is because the treatment is an incredibly visible one and will remain in place for years to come. So wisely choosing the best scalp micropigmentation artist for your procedure is crucial.

What is Scalp Micropigmentation?

SMP is an aesthetic treatment that’s non-invasive and is instrumental in masking the devastating effects that hair loss causes. This contemporary and innovative procedure is rapidly becoming a household name and works by natural pigments being implanted in a series of tiny dots underneath the skin’s outer layer, which is known as the Epidermis. The number of treatments generally required is anything between two and four, and each session requires approximately half a day. Once completed, the effects are a flawless and breath-taking finish that resembles that of the freshly-barbered and iconic buzz-cut or provides underlying shading in the case of diffuse thinning.

Each scalp micropigmentation treatment is bespoke and on an initial consultation, assessments are made to evaluate current and future hair loss. Once this evaluation process is completed, a best-fit solution can be found and treatment can begin. But how do you know the technician you’ve chosen is the right one for this life-changing procedure?

Choosing the Right Technician for Scalp Micropigmentation – Questions You Should be Asking

SMP is rapidly becoming a household name. Finding the right technician for this innovative treatment is difficult. How do you know your chosen clinic is right for you? Here is a comprehensive list of questions to help you choose the best scalp micropigmentation artist for your procedure.

  • Where and how your chosen technician trained and are they certified
  • How much experience does your chosen technician have in administering scalp micropigmentation treatments? Are their individual experiences and training relevant to the treatment you are looking for?
  • How many sessions will your own treatment require? And how long will each SMP session take?
  • Which pigments are used and do they contain natural ingredients specifically formulated for SMP?
  • What are the dot sizes and penetration depth of the implanted pigments? This is a question that should be easily answered by all fully trained technicians.
  • You need to ask for a full cost and payment schedule. you also need to know if the treatment cost is fixed and capped.
  • What are the guarantees for work carried out?
  • And finally, can your chosen scalp micropigmentation artist provide examples of previous work? This is often available in the form of before and after galleries, frequently found on social media sites.

If you are looking to commit to scalp micropigmentation, as previously mentioned, it’s a life-changing decision and one that merits questions being asked. Hair loss can have a devastating impact on levels of confidence and self-esteem. Should the treatment be incorrectly administered the psychological impact can be catastrophic. It is crucial you take your time and ensure you really choose the best scalp micropigmentation artist. And always remember, removal is far more time-consuming and painful than getting it right in the first place.

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